Daily Log Entries — Operations — November 2008
14 November 2008
2:41 A.M. Arrived at community and drove through all streets. Noted garage door open at (deleted) Meadow Ct., with two vehicles garaged. No lights on at house. No individuals in area. Nothing else remarkable noted. One pole light next to (deleted) Butte was flashing. All other lights within view from the street were operational including security wall mounted sodium lights at end of: Glade, Glen and 100 block of Mountain Ct. Noted moderate city street parking, and no parking violations on private streets noted. The two cars reported in violation along Prairie Ct. were not present in guest parking at this time. Will advise Barbara.
3:00 A.M. Opened office and Checked electronic messages: noted one Board Member on vacation. Checked phone messages on main line: homeowner at 346 Meadow seeks meeting date for special hearing. I shall convey message to Barbara with return work phone number.
3:15 A.M. Began work on design, creation, and coding of web pages for operations logs.
4:15 A.M. Tested new web page and related documents off line, and after minor tweaking, success. Connected to server at PacBell and sent web page and related files to server.
4:40 A.M. Formatted link, and sent memo with link via email to various.
5:15 A.M. Reconsidered log web page formatting. Rather than link Word Doc pages, converted them to html pages, accessed server, and sent new files. Tested oKay.
5:43 A.M. Operational Planning:
Verify: All lawns mowed, proper materials and new toilet installed at restroom #1 at adult pool, ensure new rubber baseboard is installed with proper fastening, check on plan to temporarily weld and repair toilet divider panel, check new lighting fixtures in subject restroom, and when appropriate, move men to restroom #2 to continue with drywall mudding, taping, texturing, priming and painting. Insure roofing materials were picked up for next flat and sloped roof replacement on Wagonwheel Cir.
Inspect Two new wood roof replacements winding up on Scenic Way. Measure existing skylight for Scenic Way roof job and call for pricing on secondary Plexiglass panel for proposed special projects install.
5:54 A.M. Office Planning
Continue work on WF Management Book to be delivered today. Continue initial work on corporate reports.
5:58 A.M. Returned to document shuffling in preparation for continued work on 2009 budget and reserve study.
7:09 A.M. Verified all men present and accounted for. All lawn mowing completed. Roofing materials for next job and supplies and toilet pick-up for rest#1 at adult pool area. Fallen leaves blown off of two roofs at 7:01 Wagonwheel Cir. as I requested. Men dispatched to various projects, including two separate special projects I scheduled yesterday at two separate homes: garage door maintenance, and patio hose bib replacement.
7:17 A.M. Perused various articles within recently received nationally published Industry Magazine: Common Ground. Responded to request for letters to editor on subject article: Self Managed.
7:34 A.M. Discussed upcoming flat and sloped roof project on Wagonwheel Cir. with Juan, especially because our long time flat roof forman will be on vacation when that project begins next week. I shall hold a meeting with those men in advance of the project to remind them of important matters of concern.
7:38 A.M. Upon job site inspection, discovered that the problem reported requiring a planned special project maintenance service for a garage door at 345 was a broken main spring instead of the lack of lubrication on the drive gear as originally suspected. Provided resident with phone number of garage door service company.
7:45 A.M. Discussed with Juan the need to spray several small isolated areas of new lawn with selective herbicide to eradicate small shoots of bermuda before they go dormant in cooler weather.
8:08 A.M. Drove to adult pool to check on work in progress. One man was cutting recently acquired moldings for around the closet door, and along walls, high up at the eight foot level. I directed them to paint the pre primed molding with the same off white gloss paint we used on the walls. They originally assumed the stark white molding color would suffice. Re-surveyed adult pool fence. Will send Board memo with some observations and suggestions.
8:33 A.M. Drafted Board Memo concerning adult pool fence, and sent it to various recipients. Copy follows:
Board Memo, 14 November 2008, Adult Pool Fence.
The front length of that wrought iron fence was fabricated and installed by our men some 10 to 12 years ago. It remains sturdy and in decent shape still.
However, the east facing end leg, and most of the south or back facing leg of original fencing is in extreme disrepair. In addition, 1/3 of that back fence is wood, and was installed by a prior Board maybe 25 years ago.
We can have a wrought iron fence company replace the fence sections in disrepair.
We can have our men perform the demolition, and install a new wood fence.
PROS: Less cost than a wrought iron fence. It would likely appear decent at a glance because wood fence color could match the trim of nearby facing townhomes. I suggest we chamfer the horizontal wood members that face the inside of the pool in an attempt to make it less likely to be climbed from the inside.
CONS: While a solid wood fence may abate some noise from the pool for the facing residents, it would block some views of the pool from homes facing the pool, and that may not be desirable for some residents(?) However, it may also eliminate some reports by homeowners when illegal activities take place at that pool, since their view would be blocked, except from their second story windows, a factor that may lessen this concern somewhat.
We shall await a Board consensus. end—Rob.
9:45 A.M. Took one hour lunch break.
10:45 A.M. Returned to office.
We shall await a Board consensus. end — Rob
12:15 P.M. Left the premises, OFT.
1:45 A.M. Phoned Barbara to check on everything. At that moment, Barbara said that a large male property owner was at the office complaining about receiving an Intent To Lien notice. She said he would not leave the office, though she directed him to on several occasions. I suggested she phone the police, asked her if she wanted me to, and reminded her about the silent alarm button she could press that notifies the police of an urgent matter. I called Juan via cell, and instructed him to get some men down to the office pronto, and to stay with Barbara until the individual left. Juan complied, man on scene quickly. I phoned back fifteen minutes later, and the situation was under control, and the resident left. Barbara said that the subject got to the office door at one point, but kept his foot in the door preventing her from closing the door.