Daily Log Entries — Operations — November 2008
Thursday, 20 November 2008
There is no fatigue so wearisome as that which comes from the lack of work. — Chares Haddon Spurgeon
2:20 A.M. Arrived and entered the community from Live Oak entrance. Drove immediately to the office. Deactivated alarm, and made several additional postings to 19 November log, end of day. Played voice message on main line (one of three lines) from Bob at pool Water Products - another of my personal wholesale accounts established many years ago. He was reporting back from my phone inquiry yesterday concerning cost and availability of 230v., single phase 5 H.P. pool pump, motor and filter basket. This system may be needed to increase flow rate at family pool, and that pool currently employs a 3 H.P. system. He failed to mention amperage, but it will likely consume much more electricity to operate. I shall continue with research in this area.
2:37 A.M. Began 20 November log entries. After being consumed with CR matters for nearly 12 hours yesterday, I received two separate phone calls while at home late yesterday: Sod grower notified me that sod will be delivered today between 8:00 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. Also, second countertop contractor should arrive here around 11:00 A.M. to quote price for adult pool countertops.
Corian Countertops: Reviewed fax sent by first countertop contractor. Corian countertop pricing appears to be very high — not competitively speaking, just with reference to using Corian: around $3,000 per countertop. We have two identical tops, one in each restroom. So, I shall research and call companies that install less expensive laminate tops - much less desirable, since it will not last as long, and the sinks need to be caulked around their perimeters repeatedly. Whereas with Corian, the top and back splash areas can be coved: eliminating joints, making cleaning easier/quicker. In addition, one piece Corian sinks can be molded into the tops, eliminating joints - no caulking required. Unlike laminates, Corian can be quickly sanded to remove scratches, and color need not be retouched because it is consistent throughout the material, while laminates cannot be sanded or easily repaired without replacement. We shall learn what the price difference ultimately is for the two types of tops. Board shall ultimately decide material to use.
2:49 A.M. Shall now review and sign 19 checks Barbara processed yesterday and left on my desk. Also noted that final city inspection was made and approval issued for the two wood roof replacements on Scenic Way.
3:14 A.M. Daily Planning
Office: Barbara will separate check stubs, package and mail checks, and place receipts and check stubs in file by vendor and other categories. Work will begin today to prepare for monthly owner statements to be processed and mailed no later than tomorrow. Work on corporate reports will continue as time permits.
Operations: Write check for incoming sod, and advise Foreman where that check shall be if and when needed to pay truck driver. At daybreak, reexamine turf areas for soil moisture content, and direct men to take action where necessary to continue irrigation. Direct men to transport roof kettle to Wagonwheel for roof replacement, insure kettle is secure and safety equipment present. Check status of fascia, rafter tail, and starter board replacements. Check flashing install details at intersecting sloped and flat roof areas. Must attempt to find and use more quiet time to continue work on budget and reserve formatting for corporate report, due to be mailed soon.
Maintenance: Continue sloped and flat roof replacement work on Wagonwheel Cir., including: starter board replacements at eaves, damaged plywood, and fascias. Watch for sod delivery truck and devise plan to direct forklift to set palettes in several appropriate locations to facilitate sod install. Continue with short periods of irrigation to various turf areas until soil moisture content is restored to minimum depth of 6", preferably beyond.
3:43 A.M. Performed drive through of whole community including all private and city streets. No parking violations noted, all quiet and nothing remarkable noted except: Pole light in side corridor between (deleted) and (deleted) Mountain Ct. non operational - not blinking either. Shall direct men to change bulb and test circuit for possible ballast or wiring problems. Time now, 4:09 A.M.
4:18 A.M. Drafted Board Memo concerning countertop material choice will be needed in near future. Laminate costs will be communicated to Board upon receipt.
Sent memo at 4:25 A.M.
5:05 A.M. Drafted and sent informational memo to Board concerning family pool compliance and code issues.
Sent memo at 5:22 A.M.
6:15 A.M. Located two laminate countertop contractors in phone book, and contacted one who shall arrive between 10:00 and 11:00 A.M. today - to call first. Awaiting call-back from other one.
6:45 A.M. Sod grower truck arrived early. I wrote check and issued payment. Driver began to un-tarp truck and forklift.
7:05 A.M. All men, Barbara and I are present and accounted for except: two men on vacation and one hospitalize due to traffic accident this past weekend. Directed Juan to direct truck driver to set pallets of sod in appropriate location at today's work area.
7:20 A.M. Drove to sod work area between Surry and north Shady Cts. Men installing sod, work progressing rapidly. Verified priority areas with Juan, and instructed Jaime that upon completion, Marathon starter fertilizer shall be applied at a medium rate, and evenly. Following that application, irrigation timer for related stations shall be set to four start times per day, each for five minutes, and the last start time shall not be set to activate later than 2:00 P.M. He acknowledged my requests.
8:45 A.M. Left premises for breakfast break.
9:10 A.M. Returned to community and checked on sod project. The last of 1,500 sq. ft. of sod was placed in less than two hours after the project began. Sidewalk clean-up work in progress.
10:15 A.M. Met with two additional countertop fabricator and installer contractors at the adult pool: One Corian, and one Laminate. Bids will be faxed over in near future.
10:45 A.M. Men began 45 minute lunch period.
10:50 A.M. — Corian versus Laminate
Corian: PROS Better appearance overall. Sink basins (two per countertop) are molded in to top as one piece, thus no sinks to purchase or install, and caulking and leaks around sinks are thereby eliminated. Scratches can be repaired easily with sandpaper, and color is consistent through thickness of material. CON Higher cost.
Laminate: PROS Less costly by 1/4 to 2/3, perhaps. CONS Sinks must be purchased separately. Sinks must be caulked around openings and re caulked as they become dirty and cracked. Difficult to repair surface damage. Less attractive. Likely, shorter useful life.
11:30 A.M. Men returned from lunch. All present.
11:43 A.M. Checked roofing operations on Wagonwheel. Kettle in place, temperature 400°, all working properly. Phoned in yesterday for sheeting inspection today. No inspection performed yet. Sheeting and lumber replacements complete. Men working on flash points.
11:47 A.M. Left the Premises. OfC
2:44 P.M. Returned to office. OnC
2:45 P.M. Reviewed faxed Corian and Laminate countertop proposal for EACH individual countertop. Laminate=$1,113.00 each + two sinks. Corian#1 contractor=$3,274.00 each, including built-in sinks. Corian#2 contractor=$2,100.00 each, including built-in sinks. Sent note to Board at 3:22 P.M.
2:56 P.M. Status Update Street light at 221 Mountain Ct. restored to working order. Flat roof and sloped roof on Wagonwheel: sheeting inspection by city made and approved, most flashings installed, hot asphalt work to begin first thing in the morning. Sod finished and all walkways cleaned, irrigation start times and durations programmed. Soil hydrophobicity in numerous lawn areas was reversed, and suitable moisture content now present. Men worked at the end of Calico Ct. removing some surface tree roots, and grading soil in preparation for new lawn. Gardening work was also performed at end of Clover, and around both pool areas.
3:30 P.M. Men left the premises for the day. Barbara remains, and computer server tech here too briefly.
3:45 P.M. Barbara and tech left the premises.
5:01 P.M. Activated alarm. Left the premises. OfC